Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 7: Living the wild - things and intentions that make up my purpose in life

I was aware of a fierce determination today to take action (and become ever clearer) on my life purpose. I spent the day writing, cutting out photos, thinking.. weaving in and out of other parts of my day. Here are some words and intentions that resonated with me:

Joyous art-making; Nature; Ecstasy; Nonviolence; Creating a new culture; The real; Farm life; Books and learning; Community; Beauty

I then asked myself to pare it down to 3, and here's a little poem of what's most essential for me:

creating a new culture
the real

The painting above was painted by me with a lot of joy (expressive arts workshop, Spring 2008)


Maree Jones said...

Oooohhh! I was so intrigued by "creating a new culture". I hope we get to hear more about that as you explore your soul mission statement.

Jamie Ridler said...

I recognize that painting :)

What a wonderful and creative approach to your mission statement. Beautiful!