Saturday, November 1, 2008

Soul Coaching..

I'm participating in a "book club" online, although we're doing more than reading. We're working with Soul Coaching, by Denise Linn, and it includes a 28-day program to learn to better listen to our souls (which Denise describes as the "vital core" of us). You can find out more here.
My first entry is to respond to the Introduction and say what I hope to get out of the experience, so here goes:
I am starting to really get that the feeling of "something missing" which many people, including me, have, isn't going to go away when I achieve some goal in my life (different place to live, travel, etc.), even though some of these things may bring more fulfillment. I want to stop believing this before I waste any more time! I'm very curious about how "listening to my soul" might affect my feeling of life. I want to start living as if this is my "real" life, because it is. If this book helps me get even a bit closer to being able to live my life as if it's the only real one I'm getting, imperfect as it will always be, then I will be happy I read it.
My intentions for this month are:
* to actually do this book-blogging online
* to de-clutter my house
* try Nia dance classes
* create a schedule for creative time and exercise time and stick to it


CelticBuffy said...

Wonderful intentions! I hope that you are blessed throughout this journey.

Jamie Ridler said...

What a beautiful month I'm imagining you creating with those intentions!

And what a fascinating journey to explore how 'listening to your soul' might affect your feeling of life. I'll look forward to reading about your discoveries!